Saturday, August 06, 2005

Accidental Presence

Well then, I was checking out my old blogsite earlier and there was a notice which told me that I had been blogging for 1597 days.

1597 days??

Its quite amazing really, think of it, my blogging presence has come to 4 digit in days. That is like what? 4 years 4 months?

So its back to nostalgia as I went to look for my first entry ever.

Turns out I was duped into this blogging business. I ended up here by accident. And I loved it!

Accidents can be GOOD!

Taken on my mo-fo-cam (mobile phone camera! Heh.) while I was on my way home. What is not visible is the fact that there were tens of cars parked by the highway, all just stood and watched. The firemen? They watched too!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I am Ilhadi Posted by Picasa
The hesitation before action.

Anticipation of failure.

Hope of success.

And these are not about the big things in life. These are what my mind have been toying with the moment I decided to switch blog sites.

But we'll see how it turns out.